Yuliya Dzutseva_peliplat

Yuliya Dzutseva

Date of birth : 05/29/1989
City of birth : Moscow, RSFSR, USSR [now Russia]

In 2014 she graduated from the VTU named after Shchepkin, artistic director Klyuev. a young theater and film actress, who was loved by the audience thanks to the season 8 of the sitcom "Univer. New hostel. " The real name of the girl is Dzutseva, and Franz is a creative pseudonym, the maiden name of the mother of the actress. According to the zodiac sign Gemini. When the girl was 4 years old, her parents divorced. The departure of his father greatly disturbed Julia; she connected his "disappearance" with his health. Worried if he was alive. The girl dreamed that he would return. In 2010, the girl entered the Higher Theater School named after Shchepkin. There, Julia attended a creative studio under the guidance of the famous actor Boris Vladimirovich Klyuyev and showed remarkable artistic abilities. It is known that Julia initially set herself the goal of becoming a movie actress, not a theater. Nevertheless, the beauty enjoyed performing on stage in the performances of Dostoevsky VS and The Brothers Karamazov, in Shakespeare's play Anthony and Cleopatra and other theatrical projects. Franz graduated from the university in 2014 and became a certified actress.

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