Mark Angelosetti_peliplat

Mark Angelosetti

Date of birth : 07/09/1988
City of birth : Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA

American professional wrestler known for his work for CHIKARA, Beyond Wrestling and other promotions. Started his career as Mark Angel and competed for Beyond Wrestling, the World Wide Wrestling Association, Pro Xcitement Wrestling, CLASH Wrestling (Collective League of Adrenaline Strength and Honor) in Michigan, American Championship Pro Wrestling, CZW, Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling Alliance and East Coast Pro Wrestling. Arrived in Wrestling Is Fun! under the name "Mr. Touchdown" Mark Angelosetti with a gimmick of a wrestling football player at the promotion's November 18, 2011 show. He made his official CHIKARA debut as a member of the Throwbacks with Dasher Hatfield, his storyline step-cousin-in-law, at "CHIKARA A Death Worse Than Fate" on February 25, 2012 in a victory over the Colony (Fire Ant and Soldier Ant), via someone in a Green Ant mask (17 (Kyle Matthews)) shoving Hatfield off the top rope (which set up the debut of GEKIDO the following night at "Caught in the Spider's Den.") At the July 13, 2012 Wrestling Is Fun! event, he defeated Green Ant to become the inaugural WiF! Banana Champion (that is, a championship represented by an actual banana) and held the title until assailANT (Nelson Ortiz) defeated him at "WiF! Possessor of the Potassium" on March 23, 2013.. At "CHIKARA The Ring of Wax" on August 18, 2012, he defeated ACH (Albert Hardie) in the finals to win the CHIKARA Young Lions Cup. He would hold the Cup until it became inactive following the shutdown at "CHIKARA Aniversario: Never Compromise" on June 2, 2013. He and Dasher defeated Pieces of Hate (Jigsaw (Ed McGuckin) and the Shard (John Silver)) at "CHIKARA The World Is Not Enough" on July 20, 2014 to win the CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas (tag team titles) and held them until losing them to the Devastation Corporation (Max Smashmaster (Sebastian Reese) and Blaster McMassive (Thomas Stintsman)) at the 2014 Season Finale iPPV "CHIKARA Tomorrow Never Dies" on December 6th. Dasher Hatfield drafted him to his Challenge of the Immortals team Dasher's Dugout with Icarus (Ronald Grams) and Heidi Lovelace (Dori Elizabeth Prange). The team accumulated enough points to face the Wrecking Crew (Max Smashmaster, Blaster McMassive, Flex Rumblecrunch (Sean Burke) and Jaka (Jonny Mangue) in the finals. That ended at the second-to-last show of the season, "CHIKARA Babylon Springs." The Throwbacks were in a four-way elimination match with the Nightmare Warriors (Hallowicked and Frightmare), the Osirian Portal (Amasis and Ophidian) and Hermit Crab and Cajun Crawdad. The match was down to the Throwbacks and the Nightmare Warriors. Earlier in the season, Angelosetti had given Hatfield an elbow pad, and that had helped Dasher's Dugout win several matches. Hatfield found a second elbow pad with a metal plate in it. Hatfield didn't buy Angelosetti's explanation and walked out on the match, leading to Hallowicked pinning Angelosetti. Before the main event, Hatfield, Icarus and Lovelace made their way to the ring, with Hatfield calling out CHIKARA Director of Fun Mike Quackenbush. Hatfield surrendered all the points Dasher's Dugout had accumulated in the tournament, which opened the door for Crown and Court (Princess Kimberlee/Jervis Cottonbelly/Los Ice Creams)' improbable rise to the finals. 2016 saw Angelosetti trying to get Dasher to accept his apologies, while fighting off Juan Francisco de Coronado's attempts to get him to cheat more. He defeated Juan Francisco de Coronado (Joe Padilla) in a No DQ match at "CHIKARA Tightrope" on June 11, 2016. After the match, he was attacked by UltraMantis Black. He abandoned the football player gimmick and became a follower of Nazmaldun, the mysterious entity who Hallowicked and Frightmare follow and which, at the time, possessed UltraMantis Black and Mantis had cast spells on Icarus and the Batiri (Obariyon, Kodama and Kobald) to bring them into the fold of the heXed men. After Dasher pinned Hallowicked to win the Torneo Cibernetico match between CHIKARA's Mightiest Heroes (Dasher/Heidi/Kimberlee/the Estonian Thunderfrog/Oleg the Usurper/Fire Ant/Missile Assault Man/Ophidian) and the heXed Men (Hallowicked/Frightmare/the Batiri/Icarus/Angelosetti/Jigsaw) at the 2016 Season Finale "CHIKARA Supremacy" on December 3, Ophidian stole the Eye of Tyr from UltraMantis Black and used it on him saying, "Be free," thus exorcising Nazmaldun from Mantis. The show ended with Ophidian and the Thunderfrog destroying the Eye of Tyr with the Thunderfrog's Hammer of Peace. Angelosetti has since returned to the "Mr. Touchdown" persona and reformed the Throwbacks with Dasher.

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