Fritzi Brunette_peliplat

Fritzi Brunette

Date of birth : 05/26/1890
Date of death : 09/28/1943
City of birth : Savannah, Georgia, USA

Fritzi Brunette was born in Savannah, Georgia on May 27, 1890. With the birth name of Florence Brunet. She was mostly a character actress whose career spanned mostly the silent era, although she made a successful transition to the sound period. Fritzi's debut came in 1913 when she was 23 years old. She was in two productions that year, ANNIE LAURIE and THE APPEAL. Toward the end of her career, she was in, mostly, uncredited roles such as the hit SAN FRANCISCO with Clark Gable and Jeannette MacDonald. Her last film was in 1941's MEET JOHN DOE. Fritzi died in Hollywood, California on September 28, 1943. She was 53 years old.

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