Rose Dione_peliplat

Rose Dione

Date of birth : 10/12/1877
Date of death : 01/29/1936
City of birth : Paris, France

Rose Dione was born October 22, 1875 in Paris, France. Also known as Rosa Dione, Madame Dione and Madamoiselle Dion, there is very little information about her life, but her first appearance in films was in the 1910 French short subject Fleur des Maquis (Flower of the Maquis). She appeared in 68 films from 1910 until 1932, but her most notable role is as Madame Tetrallini, the guardian of the "children" in Tod Browning's Freaks (1932). She died on January 29, 1936 in Los Angeles, CA at the age of 60.

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