Narciso Ibáñez Menta_peliplat

Narciso Ibáñez Menta

Director | Actor | Creation
Date of birth : 08/25/1912
Date of death : 05/15/2004
City of birth : Sama de Langreo, Asturias, Spain

Narciso Ibáñez Menta, was born in Sama de Langreo, Asturias, Spain. Member of an important family of theatrical artists, Narciso started working with your family -artists too- going out of tour along North America and making début in the cinema in 1929. In Argentina, he made debut in the film "A Light In The Window" (Una luz en la ventana), directed by Manuel Romero in 1941. Always tied to the movies of terror and fantastic, Ibañez Menta filmed "Stories Of Crimes" (1942, by Manuel Romero), and "Three Appointments With The Destination" ("Tres citas con el destino, 1953), appearing in the episode directed by León Klimovsky. During the years '50, he made the most important film of terror of Argentine cinematography: "Masterpieces Of Terror (1959, directed by Enrique Carreras and himself, according to commentaries of the own Narciso). In the following years, Ibañez Menta and his son, Narciso "Chicho" Ibáñez Serrador, were makers of several successful series for the Spanish and Argentine television. In '70, he returned to the cinema of terror with "The Saga Of Drácula" (1972), and he was the protagonist of the Sebastián D'Arbo trilogy: "Trip To Beyond" (Viaje al más allá, 1980), "The Entity" (El ser, 1982) and "Beyond The Death" (M&ás allá de la muerte, 1986). Nevertheless, of his better work, "The Man Who That Returned From The Death" (El hombre que volvió de la muerte, by Abel Santa Cruz), miniseries for television filmed in the decade of ' 60, does not stay traces; everything would have got lost in a fire or would have been in use for filming new series. A documentary about this big spanish artist, directed by Gustavo Mendoza, and titled " Nobody worried any more " (Nadie inquietó más; every word takes the initials of Narciso Ibáñez Menta), shown in 2008 in the Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre Film Festival.

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