Roald Øyen_peliplat

Roald Øyen

Director | Actor
Date of birth : 09/12/1940
City of birth : Norway

Roald Øyen started out in the children and youth department of the then only TV-station in Norway, NRK, in the early 1960s. His boss back then, popular TV-host Lauritz Johnson, thought flying could be an exciting subject for thrill-seeking youngsters and sent Øyen out to do a story. Øyen followed a group of young people taking their pilot's licence and was himself so bitten by the bug that he himself became a pilot soon after. In the 1970s Øyen quickly became one of Norway's most popular (and first) game-show hosts. In 1971 he led one of the first interactive shows in history, "9 x7", where the audience at home had to send in the answers to a crossword-puzzle given in the show. From 1977 and into the 1980s he hosted "Bit for bit - bilde for bilde", one of the most popular Norwegian game-shows to date. Since the 1980s and into the new millennium his "Påskenøtter" has been a household-tradition around every Easter, a daily 10 minute quiz-show where viewers phone in their answers.

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