Harry Rowohlt_peliplat

Harry Rowohlt

Date of birth : 03/27/1945
Date of death : 06/15/2015
City of birth : Hamburg, Germany

Philantrophist, Man of Letters, publisher, translator, columnist - these are the attributes that could describe Harry Rowohlt. He is a member of the publisher family Rowohlt from the fa-mous German Publishing House Rowohlt Verlag, but by no means a conformist one. The guy with the gray hair and the long gray beard loves to contradict anything. If you do an interview with him, you should not have questions prepared. You never know what way such an inter-view may take. He is famous for his interesting reading performances and for translating works, e.g. of Flann O'Brien and Frank McCourt. But how did he turn out to play a tramp on Lindenstraße (1985)? One day in 1995, a German food & beverage magazine requested an interview from him in a restaurant of his choice. He chose the restaurant 'Akropolis' which is a well-known meeting point on the series Lindenstraße" (1985), and, in the wake of this interwiew the Lindenstraße officials asked him if he wanted to play a little part on this soap. He agreed and told the Lin-denstrasse officials that he wanted to play a tramp because, in his opinion, this fringe group was still quite underrepresented on Lindenstraße. They agreed. If you watch Harry Rowohlt act as this tramp, you can see that he really enjoys playing this role. You will also see that his hair and beard, as long and bushy as it is, is always clean and crisp. Enjoy Harry Rowohlt as Harry the Tramp!

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