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Kenneth Thomson Jr.

Kenneth Thomson Jr.

Director | Actor | Writer
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Kenneth Thomson Jr. began making films in the third grade in 1974. Early films were silent, super 8mm. His first two films were Star Trek short films. His next film was a Star Wars fan film, also silent, but clocked in at 45 minutes and was a sequel to the first Star Wars movie, filmed in 1978. Later, in college in 1986, he created a film called Demonslayers as a student film project. In 1991, he partnered with four other artists and worked on model-making, prop-making and foam latex makeup work at Art of Illusion Studios in Austin, TX. In 1995, he worked on Space Cases for Nickelodeon with Peter David and Bill Mumy with his two partners at Anigma FX Group, as well as taking his first job as a 3d artist in video games. In 1997, he moved to California and worked at New World Computing on various video games as a 3d artist and animator. In 1999, he met actor Richard Hatch and participated in the revival efforts of Battlestar Galactica, working on a trailer to bring back the show. Around this time frame, he also worked on "The Great War of Magellan" and "Unseen Evil." He moved back to Austin in 2002 and worked as a freelance artist on "The Twilight Zone" on a single episode, and was a visual effects artist on the television miniseries "Battlestar Galactica: 2003." Shortly after, he worked at Warthog Games (aka: Fever Pitch Studios) on an unreleased game, "Shadows of Mordor." In 2006, he began work on a new Star Trek project, called "Starship Saladin." He is writer, director, producer, visual effects artist and actor in the series. It is not yet released, but the first full-length, live action film is planned for release in summer of 2015. A 3d film is in post production at this time. In 2009, Ken worked on two animated episodes of Starship Farragut, appeared in Star Trek: Phase 2 "Kitumba" as Captain Ray Martin, captain of the USS Saladin. Other Star Trek fan films Ken has worked on include Starship Farragut (live action), Starship Exeter, Star Trek: Secret Voyage, Star Trek Continues, Exeter Trek, Star Trek Anthology, Project Potemkin, Star Trek: Antyllus, Dreadnought Dominion, Yorktown: "A Time to Heal," and Star Trek: Eagle. Ken has also pitched scripts to Star Trek: Voyager. He has also worked in television broadcasting at KVUE in Austin, TX and KLTV in Tyler, TX in the early 1990's.

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