Sølvi Wang_peliplat

Sølvi Wang

Date of birth : 08/28/1929
Date of death : 05/31/2011
City of birth : Høvik, Bærum, Norway

Sølvi Wang is one of Norway's greatest showbiz personalities. Born in 1929 to Marie and Yngvar Wang. Yngvar Wang was a popular Norwegian jazz musician. She started her career early, singing on the radio. At an early age she married Egil Monn-Iversen, who went on to become a Norwegian composer. In the 50s she was a part of the singing quintet called "The Monn Keys". The group were famous in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and the BeNeLux countries. Through several TV-series in Norway based on music and humor she became a star. She stared in several reviews and varieties at Chat Noir and Edderkoppen. From 1964 she was employed at Det Norske Teateret (The Norwegian Theatre). She has had several big parts in musicals, movies and tv-shows, won awards at the Montaux Light Entertainment Festival and been a guest star on The Ed Sullivan Show. In 1988 she retired.

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