Rose Tapley_peliplat

Rose Tapley

Date of birth : 06/29/1881
Date of death : 02/23/1956
City of birth : Salem, Massachusetts, USA

Rose Tapley was born on June 30, 1881 in Salem, Massachusetts. She was primarily a stage actress when, in 1912, she was picked to play Queen Victoria in The Victoria Cross (1912). She was 31, an age that some producers would have bypassed an actress, but she was a seasoned performer so she made it rather easily. Rose was kept busy with forty more films in 1912 and many more in the years ahead. In 1931, at the age of 50, she played Princess Sophya in Resurrection (1931). On February 23, 1956 at the age of 75, she died in Woodland Hills, California.

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