Aylar Lie_peliplat

Aylar Lie

Date of birth : 02/12/1984
City of birth : Tehran, Iran

Aylar was born in Tehran, Iran, in 1984 and came to Norway at the age of three. Due to a turbulent domestic situation she was taken away from her parents and grew up in foster care. Although she moved from Iran at an early age, she has always felt strong ties to her Persian roots and great love for her foster parents as well as her biological parents. At the age of 16 she was invited to Iran on holiday by her biological father. Her father had nearly lost contact with her, with him living abroad in Iran. What started out as a short vacation in Iran to regain lost family ties turned out to be a nightmare: she was kept in Iran against her will for nearly two years. After finally managing to escape Iran and return to Norway, a time of desperation began. She wanted to trace her roots and regain her lost contact with her biological mother in the US but this decision was to change Aylar's life for good. Within two months of living in the USA, Aylar was plunged into a world dominated by drugs, pornography and abuse. After nearly overdosing on drugs, she finally understood that the time had come to change her life if she wanted to stay alive. She returned to Norway seeking medical care and the safety of her foster parents. After medical treatment and regaining her self-confidence, she decided to enter the Miss Norway (Frøken Norge) pageant in the summer of 2004. With her growing success in the competition, unfortunately rumors started to spread about her past. Just as she had made it among the top 10 finalists, the media got hold of proof of her participation in adult entertainment, which led to her being disqualified (this was the first time the Miss Norway pageant had experienced such an event) and Aylar and her life story got enormous media coverage. Her disqualification and past being exposed in the media was an enormous personal setback. Within a very short period Aylar decided to get breast implants, created the concept of her self as "Aylar" and brought together a team of beautiful and talented models in her "Team Aylar". Soon she went on to represent the quintessence of the phrase "glamour model" in Norway. In 2005, she decided to have her breast implants removed, and put the role of being a national tease on the shelf. In December 2005, she was featured in the Sunblock music video "First Time". By the summer of 2006 she had made a cover song of the popular eighties pop song "Boys Boys Boys", which sold out six times platinum. What was originally supposed to be a summer gig turned out to whet her appetite for following her dream of being an artist.

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