

Born in Miami, Florida on the 9th of February 1984, Kourtney Brown was raised in Nassau, capital city of the Bahamas, on the small island of New Providence. He is the youngest of four sons to father, James Eugene Brown, a Bahamian real estate investor, and mother, Ethel Lee, a retired registered nurse. From a toddler, Kourtney was rarely seen without a crayon in hand and a performance. He was immediately noted by family and preschool teachers as the "artistic one" or, by others, as "Indigo", producing acrylic scenic paintings of the islands, surprisingly realistic portraiture of the locals, and always eager to be in every pre-middle school play. At age 11, Kourtney was "bitten" after auditioning and landing a "one liner" role, the size of his small frame, in the Summer film "Flipper" (1996) starring Elijah Wood and Paul Hogan. A few months after Kourtney's baby, big screen debut was released, James, his father passed away to heart failure. He promised his Dad, that unfortunate night, t

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