Sean James Sutton_peliplat

Sean James Sutton

Director | Actor | Creation
Date of birth : 03/20/1961
City of birth : Redruth, Cornwall, England, UK

Seán James Sutton is an English actor working extensively around the world in film. His first acting roles on camera were in commercials before he moved on to films (and sometimes even television). He currently lives in Malta but travels extensively for work which he absolutely loves. He has appeared on film in productions in Greece, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy, England, India, the USA, Austria and, of course, Malta. Sean comes from an artistic family: his father was a watercolourist and his mother was a writer; his older brother is an architect and his younger brother is a song writer and producer. On a personal level, Sean enjoys expensive whisky when he can afford it, and listens to progressive music a lot which can be bad for one's health and which annoys the neighbours. He's also a vegan and has a number of large dogs which leave a lot of hair over the floor.

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