Mea Culpa
Kally's Mashup
PG Porn
Mala influencia
Sonic 2: O Filme
Venom: A Última Rodada
Mufasa: O Rei Leão
A Forja: O Poder da Transformação
Aaron Aguilera
Hardkore Kidd
Schuyler Andrews
Scorpio Sky- Announcer
Chris Bosh
Rick J. Clements
Robert 'Bo' Cooper
Bo Cooper
Disco Machine
The Eagle's Talons
O Repórter de Hollywood
Tráfego Perigoso
The Fighting Marine
Spell of the Circus
Queen IsIs
Operation: Kali Incarnate
In the Night
Action Not Words
Betrayal and Bullets
Death Merchant: City of Insurrection
The Leash
O Último Samurai
Batman Begins
A Lenda do Tesouro Perdido
A Supremacia Bourne
Indiana Jones e o Reino da Caveira de Cristal
O Turista
Homem de Ferro 2
Zohan: O Agente Bom de Corte
O Espetacular Homem-Aranha
The Avengers: Os Vingadores
The 4th Beast: Mask of the Antichrist
PWG: Are You Adequately Prepared to Rock?
TNA Wrestling: Turning Point
TNA Wrestling: Final Resolution
WWE New Year's Revolution
Super Hero Central
Dealin' Dirty
Survivor Series
WWE Unforgiven
Gettysburg: The Final Measure of Devotion
America's First D-Day: Washington's Crossing
ROH: Final Battle 2003
Theseus and the Minotaur
Darkfall Resurrection