Azotes de Barrio 2
Kally's Mashup
Minha Culpa
Rosario Tijeras
Beleza Verdadeira
Minha Culpa: Londres
Entre Montanhas
Cinquenta Tons de Cinza
Robô Selvagem
Bertrand Arthuys
Astrid Veillon
Bruno Madinier
Didier Flamand
Canelle Romanie
Christophe Laparra
The Raptures
Made in Paris
7 Years
Le corps sublimé
Kingdom of Felony
L'affaire Ben Barka
Um Homem Perdido
J'ai besoin d'air
Eat, for This Is My Body
Dans tes bras
Miles from Anywhere
Lovestruck: The Revenge of Laura Gil
Com Amor e Fúria
O Sal das Lágrimas
In a Rush
Sem Escândalo
Stormy Weather
A Mulher de Rose Hill
Bar des rails
No Man's Land
Les menteurs
Six Days, Six Nights
O Invasor
The Story of Richard O
La femme en spirale
Lovestruck: Changing Bedmates
A Criança do Amanhecer
A Clever Crook
Treacherous Alliance
Sunshine for the Poor
The Easy Way Out
As Duas Vidas da Serpente
In Your Dreams
Un petit mensonge
La femme qui pleure au chapeau rouge