Un amor inesperado
Fuerza de mujer
Rosario Tijeras
Mar de amores
Solo Leveling: Segundo despertar
Los siete pecados capitales
El amor menos pensado
Beauty in Black
El caso de 'Bob' Esponja
Chilean director Pablo Larraín's first two English-language films, Jackie (2016) and Spencer (2021), revolve around the lives of two women caught amid political turmoil. Larraín chose to diverge from conventional filmmaking approaches, instead employing an abundance of close-up shots and an eerie soundtrack. These elements, combined with his unwavering commitment to capturing striking visuals and settings, bestow upon his characters a unique sense of isolation. Notably, in Larraín's works, the c
From the quiet release of the first part in 2014 to the long-awaited release of the fourth part this year, John Wick series has gone through nearly ten years. In the past ten years, it has become a stream in the action movie industry with its distinctive style. Before making a general review of the series, it is necessary to examine the development of other Hollywood action movies to better find out the reasons for its success. 1. From Convergence to Innovation After the end of the new Hollywood
A história começa quando uma tempestade destrói a casa da jovem mãe. Assim, a jovem mãe sem um tostão levou seu filho a desertarpara o marido. No entanto, a estrada é longa e sem dinheiro, como ela vaipagar as "despesas de trânsito"? Esta mãe sem dinheiro, mesmo que encontre uma carteira, elapode devolvê-la a outros desinteressadamente. Tudo o que ela quer é um táxi. A jovem mãe, desesperada, resolveupegar o ônibus. A direção nas Filipinas é bastante caótico. Ainda é "entrar no ônibusprimeiro e
É um filme europeu com tons sérios. Os papéis principais são sérios e rígidos, mas extremamente gentis. Viver na Califórnia por dois anos confirmou que o clima determina como vivemos. O sol o ano todo na Califórnia me dá vontade de correr, passear com o cachorro e ser uma garota feliz deitada na praia, mesmo que eu não saiba nadar. br>Key West é quente e úmido. De colete largo e andando de bicicleta pela ilha, de repente quero ser uma escritora que sabe preparar drinks, escrever histórias de ave
Both frantically probe the boundary until one of them crosses it. In 1973, Ingmar Bergman was living a semi-reclusive life on the Swedish island of Faroe. At this time, Bergman was experiencing a low period in his life. A year earlier, his Viskningar och rop had been a commercial failure, falling far short of expectations at the box office. On a larger scale, Bergman has been through four failed marriages. Even if he married again 2 years ago, he has already seen through all the pretense and lie
The first time I knew Paribas was because of "Baahubali King". The King he played was mighty, domineering, loyal and filial. The military force, but also the perfect and noble personality. Coupled with a beard and flowing curly hair, the masculine beauty and wild beauty are directly full, and anyone who reads it will say a real man. If Parabas before Bajo was an exotic and handsome guy, Parabas after "Saho" is more international Melted a little, revealing a broad forehead, trimmed hair and shave
After watching the film and the "Jessica Watson-True Courage" documentary, I feel that the film has a good balance between film adaptation and reality restoration. Even though I knew the ending before the movie, the movie still moved me with its excellent adaptation and atmosphere. This film is adapted from a true story: Jessica Watson, a 16-year-old girl from Australia, sailed around the world alone in a boat for 7 months, and arrived at the destination in Australia on Saturday, becoming the fi
The show is halfway through, and when I watched it, I felt that it was much worse than the previous two seasons of "Yin's Kitchen" Before Although Yin Ruzhen is old in the two seasons, she has been cooking and is very cute. As the president, every order is done nervously and carefully. When there are no customers, she is worried. If there are too many customers, just say finish and close the door. I can feel the age Big but worked hard, and cooked very quickly, I can feel this heart Ruizhen has
1. One of the bad things about Japanese and Korean workplace dramas is the mythologization of professions. When filming a profession, you can’t wait for this profession to be omnipotent. Judges, prosecutors and lawyers in the drama seem to be clever than Sherlock Holmes; 2. Compared to adult law, the juvenile law is focus more on education than punishment, but education is not forgiveness. If you want a child to understand that he has made a mistake, The best education is to bring him true fear,
Hay trespersonas terribles en la sociedad; Laprimera es lapersona lesionada, quepuede quedarse atrás después de haber sido lesionada Las cicatrices nopueden desaparecer , y las cicatricespsicológicaspermaneceránprofundas en el corazón durante mucho tiempo. El trauma mental es difícil de curar. Una vez que aparecen ciertos estímulos,lapersona lesionada se comportará fuera de control, y estos comportamientospueden lastimar a otros o violar el orden social; Necesitan ayuda, hacer una recuperaciónps
Watching "Feminist Angels" for the second time, I found that the most chewable part of the film is actually this passage--Lucy: "I will be thirty years old in a year," "I am now Can see that kind of scene - alone with a hairless cat named Leicester, dying in Brooklyn." Alice: "Leave the childbirth to those who unfortunately don't have your brains or A capable woman. Don’t make your life so complicated.” Lucy was stunned, and then talked about her sisters and their children. Alice: "I wouldn't fe
Máster en cartografía del cine
Especialista en Perspectiva crítica
Leyenda local
Hola, hola. Soy Francesca. Desde que tengo memoria que adoró el cine pero no fue hasta la película de 2019 "The joker" donde decidí que amo las fotografías en el cine y opté desde ahí que quiero al cine como profesión y pasión. Mí meta es volverme directora de cine en Argentina pero por ahora solo me creo culta con las películas que veo y analizarlas y enamorarme de los colores de esta.
Somos um coletivo de cinéfilos dedicados a expor nossas perspectivas sobre o cinema através da escrita e de outras mídias. Acreditamos que as avaliações dos filmes deveriam ser feitas por indivíduos e não por instituições acadêmicas. Priorizamos declarações poderosas em vez de pontos de vista imparciais e a responsabilidade de criticar em vez do direito de elogiar. Não reconhecemos a hierarquia entre fãs e criadores. Devemos definir e defender o nosso próprio cinema.