SHIMMER Volume 62_peliplat
SHIMMER Volume 62_peliplat

SHIMMER Volume 62 (2014)

None | EE. UU. | Inglés, Español, Francés |
Dirección: Dave prazak

Lucha de parejas The S-N-S Express (Nevaeh y Sassy Stephie) vs The Buddy System (Heidi Lovelace y Solo Darling) Lucha individual Leva Bates vs Veda Scott Lucha individual Kay Lee Ray vs Vanessa Kraven Lucha individual Ivelisse Velez vs Kimber Lee Lucha individual Athena vs Candice LeRae NCW Femmes Fatales International Title Match Mercedes Martinez (c) vs Courtney Rush Singles Match Nikki Storm vs Thunderkitty Singles Match Hikaru Shida vs Evie (11:02) SHIMMER Tag Team Title Match The Global Green Gangsters (Kellie Skater y Tomoka Nakagawa) (c ) vs Madison Eagles y Nicole Matthews SHIMMER Title Best Two Out of Three Falls Match Cheerleader Melissa (c) vs LuFisto [2:1]

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