SHIMMER Volume 60_peliplat
SHIMMER Volume 60_peliplat

SHIMMER Volume 60 (2013)

None | EE. UU. | Inglés, Español, Francés |
Dirección: Dave prazak

Dark Match Midianne vs Jessie Kaye Singles Match Nikki Storm vs Heidi Lovelace Singles Match Mia Yim vs Melanie Cruise Tag Team Match Cherry Bomb y Kimber Lee vs Mary Dobson y Mary Lee Rose Singles Match Saraya Knight vs Thunderkitty Singles Match Kana vs Allysin Kay Singles Match Portia Perez vs Hiroyo Matsumoto Partido individual Mercedes Martinez vs Santana Garrett SHIMMER Partido por el título de parejas The Global Green Gangsters (Kellie Skater y Tomoka Nakagawa) (c) vs Nevaeh y Sassy Stephie Partido individual Madison Eagles vs Jessicka Havok Kendo Stick Match Hikaru Shida vs Nicole Matthews SHIMMER Title Match Cheerleader Melissa (c) vs LuFisto.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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