Histoires d'une nation: l'école_peliplat
Histoires d'une nation: l'école_peliplat

Histoires d'une nation: l'école (2022)

None | France | French | 60 min
Directed by: Stéphane Correa

School is the first place where we feel part of a common history, that of a nation. And in fact, building a public school, open to all, is intimately linked to the construction of the French Republic. For 200 years, from the school certificate to the high school for all, the French have embarked on the adventure of knowledge. They value their public, free and secular school and at the same time, they never stop wanting to change it. For students and teachers alike, learning and teaching remains an ordeal, full of pitfalls, misunderstandings, discoveries and always emotions. Because in France, the school is intimately linked to the nation, it is the place where the stories of our childhoods mingle with the great story, a tumultuous and passionate story, a French story. In this two-part narrative, witnesses, known and unknown, teachers and students confront their memories with the history of the school, the history of the nation from the perspective of children.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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