Some of Bill Gothard's teachings may be triggering to viewers who have experienced religious trauma or spiritual abuse.
There's a moment in episode 2 showing a demonstration video of how to spank your child featuring an elderly main speaker asking for a child to volunteer. They go through the motions. This moment may not show anything directly explicit but you can tell the elderly adult speaker has some thoughts going through his head while he's doing this. This one moment made me more uncomfortable than any extreme horror movie ever has.
Some discipline tactics discussed in episode 2 may be seen as child abuse.
This series may be triggering to viewers who have experienced sexual assault, spiritual abuse or religious trauma.
A woman cheerfully talks about spanking her children in front of a crowd at an IBLP conference it is a very creepy scene with eerie sounding music playing in the background.
The book "To train up a child " by Michael Pearl is discussed and we see footage of him demonstrating how to spank a child with a rod using a doll that has a menacing look on it's face as well as shocked reactions from an audience at a talk show where he was a guest this book discusses many methods of discipline that some may see as child abuse and this book has also been linked to the death of several children.