My Mother's Story_peliplat
My Mother's Story_peliplat

My Mother's Story (2017)

None | Singapore | English | 23 min
Directed by: Don Aravind, Nicole Midori Woodford, Daniel Yam

Often we forget that our mothers have sides to them we may have never seen before. What lives did our mothers lead before they had us, or even before they got married? What were the experiences that shaped them and made them who they are? What were her hopes, dreams, struggles and sacrifices? In My Mother's Story we explore the stories of six seemingly ordinary mothers, the mothers of well-known local personalities. The series will take you back to their childhood, the party days of their youth, the bliss of falling in love for the first time and the tough decisions of adulthood. What were some of the pivotal events of their lives, the unforgettable moments that have shaped them to becoming the mothers we know? We look at the obstacles they faced in their lives - the way they rose above their fears, heartaches and unfortunate circumstances. The mistakes of their youth, and their journeys to make amends, to start afresh. We look at their glory days - their crazy antics, their pursuit.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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