Men's Vacations_peliplat
Men's Vacations_peliplat

Men's Vacations (2014)

12+ (RU) | Russia | Russian | 50 min
Directed by: Leonid Belozorovich

The young beauty Anna Popova is ready to do anything to get her hands on the fortune and business of her husband, a successful metropolitan entrepreneur Yuri. She presents her husband, a lover of hunting and fishing, with a generous gift - a ticket to the Far East for an extreme vacation called "Men's Holidays". Anna's plan is simple: together with her husband, her lover and his best friend Sergei will go on a "vacation", who will have to find an opportunity to kill Yuri, presenting the death of a comrade as an accident. Their mutual friend Kirill, who lost a large sum of other people's money and was forced to hide, goes on a trip to the third.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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