Somebody's Gotta Die_peliplat
Somebody's Gotta Die_peliplat

Somebody's Gotta Die (2016)

PG-13 (US) | USA | English | 44 min
Directed by: Damien McKnight

Mark, a drug trafficker in Miami, uses his illegal proceeds to not only support his team but to take care of his girlfriend Tiffany, and her family. After employing Tiffany's loser little brother, Mark soon figures out Tiffany's dimwitted brother has been talking to the feds. Unable to risk the possibility of his entire drug empire crumbling because of him, Mark does what anyone else would do, he takes care of the problem. Now he must keep Tiffany and the police looking in the wrong direction trying to solve the murder case as he nervously sleeps next to her each night.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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