Frequent strong and offensive language in practically all episodes including 'fuck', 'motherfucker', 'pussy', 'dick', 'dickhead', 'cock', 'cocksucker', 'ho', 'whore', 'slut', 'bastard', 'bitch', 'son of a bitch', 'shit', 'piss', 'jizz', 'cum', 'balls', 'tits', 'ass', 'asshole' and 'crap', among other explicit slang terms. The use of 'cunt' is present but very infrequent.
Frequent religious exclamations including 'Jesus', 'Jesus Christ', 'God', 'God Jesus', 'jeez', 'God jeez', 'my dear Lord' etc.
The word 'nigger' is also very frequent, but is said by BlastphamousHD in a non-racist way to himself or to his friends.
Lots of sex-related jokes which can contain strong language.
Since mid 2017, he has been forced to bleep out the strongest language in his videos for monetization purposes. However, he still does live streams where he can use strong language on a number of occasions.
There can be some instances of political humour, which may offend some viewers. Some episodes may have some references to violent and controversial topics such as the 9/11 attacks or terrorism, which may also offend some viewers.