Mr. Jeneric is punched, blood is shown. Mr. Jeneric kicks someone and blood is shown.
The final fight is mostly comedic. No blood at all.
Guns are fired, but no one is killed.
Jake stabs someone's hand with a fork. It quickly cuts to Jake pulling it out off scene and blood can be seen for a second. Scene is very fast.
Jake throws a waiter onto a table. For laughs.
There is a one shot fight sequence that happens in the middle of the film. People being hit, thrown and blown up. It's all comedic though.
A character breaks someone's wrist with a stick. Blood can be seen.
A character hits someone in the face with a stick and gash of blood can be seen from his cheek.
A character hit's a pregnant women in the face with a stick.
Someone is stabbed with a stick in the back.
Someone spits up blood. For laughs.