The grandfather has an intense argument with Heidi's father right before he and his wife die. The grandfather is shocked by their death and yells out in pain when he realizes they didn't make it.
Heidi has a nightmare about banging on an elderly woman's window whom she calls "Grandmother" as the woman calls out to her. Heidi sleep walks through open doors and a hallway in her Frankfurt house. May be intense for children to watch.
Peter tells Heidi that he listens to a figure of a woman apparent on a mountainside whom he calls "the lady of the mountain." Heidi is given a miniature engraving of this by her grandfather. In another scene, Heidi claims that she can hear the lady talking to her. Some viewers may find this odd or unsettling.
The grandfather and Dete have at least two heated arguments, involving shouting, concerning Heidi's custody.
There is a heated moment between Heidi and her grandfather in which he tells her to starve for all he cares. She replies that he is alone on his mountain because he is mean and hateful, just like everyone says.
Klara is a sickly person and has multiple episodes where she seems to have trouble breathing, quickly having to be treated with something.
Heidi runs to the top of the church tower to see the mountains, and a man yells at her for doing so.