There are two twin sisters in the series who often punch, hit, kick and slap one another. Their adult boss also physically harms them.
Scenes of mild to moderate injury and peril, including a girl spraining her ankle, a woman being deprived of food in prison, a man falling into a vat at a dog food factory, and a girl twisting her foot.
A running joke with one character is that her nose (botched from 3 nose jobs) is constantly being damaged, hit or affected. She is also at times shown graphically popping zits and describing pus.
A dog's spit is used in place of coffee foam and then fed to a woman without her knowledge. White spittle is seen being scraped from the dog's mouth.
Characters fall over and are tripped (typically played for laughs).
Some mild slapstick violence. The show is animated using early CGI, and so much of this looks silly in nature, but may frighten some viewers.