This anime consists of multiple scenes of spaceships, people and alien-humans battling each other, resulting with many explosions and shootouts. Several people and alien-humans are either killed or unconscious. A majority of the violence is bloodless however and often fast paced.
There is some visceral blood and gore detail within some of the shootouts that happen; however, these moments are very brief and are often in split second frames (for the most part).
In some episodes, some characters would sometimes end up yelling at each other, fighting each other or slapping each others' faces.
In episode 8, two dinosaurs fight each other, while in episode 9, several random dinosaurs get bombed to death due to intense battle between some spaceships.
In episode 13 several spaceships get hit by meteors while going through stardust.
Episode 20 has a flashback sequence, showing some meteors destroying some landscape and cities. It is implied that people would have died during the destruction.
In a few episodes, lightsabers/laser swords are used.