La chuchi_peliplat
La chuchi_peliplat

La chuchi (2006)

None | Paraguay | Spanish | 60 min
Directed by: Tana Schémbori, Juan Carlos Maneglia

It's the story of a young woman named Marta Bogarín "La Chuchi", who lives in a low class neighborhood, whose ambitions to belong to a higher social class make her invent a false reality in order to find a rich boyfriend for her niece Vanessa. The father of Marta is a good man named Juvinel Bogarin who is the owner of a telephone kiosk in the downtown of Asunción, Paraguay. Marta also has a sister, María Bogarín, the owner of "Maria Coiffure", a famous hairstyle coiffure in the neighborhood, where she also works with Andy Mariulo, a gay hairstylist; and Jessica, the single mother of Peque. On the contrary, Maria is not ambitious at all, she knows her reality very well and trust that the situation will change soon. Maria is an excellent person with a big heart to help everybody. She is very worried because the family house will be auctioned by a financial company and they don't have enough money to avoid this happens. Vanessa and Miguelito are Maria and Marta's nephews. They live in the same house because their mother, Maria's and Marta's sister, died some years ago. One day, Vanessa and Marta are taking a car ride with Felipe "Monkey", Marta's not official boyfriend, when they got a flat tire. After some time, a young man with a luxurious car stops and offers to help them. He introduces himself as Esteban Diaz Andino Jr. and sees Vanessa with interest. When he asks Vanessa her name, Marta answers quickly: "Vanessa Von Straggen" because she thinks this is the opportunity she has always expected to have money. Marta calls her friend Pocha, who works as a maid in the mansion of the condesa Elka Von Straggen, and begs her to open the house so they can go there. From now on,Esteban Jr. believes that Vanessa is a member of the exclusive Von Straggen family and falls in love with her, without caring that he is going to marry Fiorella Mendoza, whose parents were rich but they lost all the money in game of chance. The widow Clyde, who is Fiorella's mother, also wants to get married with Esteban Diaz Andino, the father of Esteban Jr, to assure her economical future. But Esteban recently met Maria Bogarin because his driver recommended her as an excellent hairstylist for hair massage treatments. Both of them sympathized at the first time because they love poetry, specially Pablo Neruda. Esteban introduced himself as "Carlos", a medical visitor, but he is a multimillionaire man, owner of many companies, including the financial company that will auction Maria's house. He lied her so she can treat him with confidence and doesn't get influenced by his money. Maria has a secret admirer who loved her for years, Blasito "John Papiro", a friend from the neighborhood and also a co owner of her father's telephone kiosk. He tried to conquer the heart of Maria many times but he couldn't, less now that she falls in love with Esteban. The plot of the series is a web of lies and plans that will affect the life of all the neighbors and protagonists. In "La chuchi", nothing is what it seems...

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Release Date
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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
La chuchi
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes