Anne mentions that her parents don't want to discuss sex. She says she secretly has the desire to touch her body at night and does not want anyone to know.
Very mild crude humor. (I.E a joke about a fart). But this is a very moody story so there's not much jokes.
Anne talks about changes she is going through.
When Peter stands up while bathing we see his hands covering his Penis. When he turns around we see his butt for about 4.5 seconds.
Violence & Gore
When the Franks get discovered they get pushed, kicked, punched and held at a gun point.
Arguments are frequent.
This is a story about the holocaust, a lot is talked about but not much is seen.
Brief uses of "damn".
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Adults drink and smoke.
Frightening & Intense Scenes
This story is based off the Holocaust. It can be very depressing.
When the Nazi's find the family it is sad and frightening.