Drugs and alcohol are presented in a positive and encouraged sense in the show. There is drinking and drugs in almost every episode.
In one episode, each football player takes a unique drug and we later see the effects of the drugs on the players. One man smokes pot, another does acid, another is clearly high on cocaine etc.
One of the main characters seems to have a problem with cocaine, more near the beginning of the third season. We hear and see the character through flashbacks of him using large amounts of cocaine and being arrested later on.
A man injects himself with rabies and acts rabid and aggressively.
A man drinks ayahuasca that puts him on a "vision quest." He hallucinates throughout the entire episode.
A man grows a large field of marijuana and we see one of the characters smoke a marijuana joint later on, he laughs hysterically and is clearly largely affected by the marijuana.
One episode, the entire campus is drinking constantly for 24 hours. Every student is intoxicated.