I'm Mita, Your Housekeeper_peliplat
I'm Mita, Your Housekeeper_peliplat

I'm Mita, Your Housekeeper (2011)

PG13 (SG) | Japan | Japanese | 54 min
Directed by: Ryûichi Inomata, Jun Ishio, Tôya Satô

Can a family hope to recover after losing their mother to suicide? Keiichi Asuda serves his wife, Nagiko divorce papers after he tells her that he intends to marry his mistress. The distraught Nagiko kills herself, leaving her family in turmoil. Keiichi hires Akari Mita to take care of the household. The highly efficient and organized Mita does everything for the Asuda household and helps the four kids - 17-year-old Yui, 14-year-old Kakeru, 12-year-old Kaito and 6-year-old Kii - heal their emotional wounds. But can Mita get over the pains of her own past to truly be a mother to them?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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