Fourth Stringers_peliplat
Fourth Stringers_peliplat

Fourth Stringers (2014)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Maria Wilson

4th Stringers is a series about four friends living in the urban jungle that is Los Angeles and their ridiculously awkward, sometimes outrageous, always hilarious journey to success or so they think. With more confidence than they should actually have, the four of them always prep for the big game of life even if they are on the bleachers most of the time. On their adventures they encounter all sorts of obstacles trying to network, get employed or simply find a date. Each one is adorably flawed in their own way. Suziey, the dog loving, free spirited, let's go on a hike in the desert barista, Maria the naive, high energy, way too loud, do anything for a laugh waitress, Gina the free loving hippie who can spot a sale from a mile away sound editor, and George the good looking, buff, seemingly perfect yet can't find a date photo booth operator. Despite their shortcomings, somehow they brush off every failed attempt with a smile and say maybe next time! Their blind bravery more often than not gets them tangled into many sticky situations, but the others are always there to help bail the other one out. A band of misfits, the understudy to the understudy to the understudy, the fourth string team that may never make it to the field, but no matter the obstacle, these four will always give 110%, even if they probably shouldn't.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Fourth Stringers
(Original title)
Fourth Stringers
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes