
L'irriducibile (2022)

None | Italy | Italian, English | 78 min
Directed by: Morgan Menegazzo

Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a terrorist who belonged to far- right extraparliamentary movements in Italy, is in jail for 43 years for killing three Carabinieri. Self-confessed perpetrator of the 1972 Peteano bombing - the only event in the Italian terrorism period with an ascertained historical and judicial truth - and the hijacking at Ronchi airport, in 1979 he turned himself in, so that he could "regain his freedom". Coming out of hiding, he could disclose the connection between Neo-fascism and stragismo (terrorist attacks) in Italy, and expose the responsibility of a State that did not hesitate in using diversions to avoid arresting him. Vincenzo Vinciguerra - the most emblematic of the 'irriducibili' (relentless) activists- insists in actively fighting an ongoing personal battle as a "political soldier" intended to bring out what he calls the historical truth about the Strategy of Tension. An obstinate war that began at a young age that will only end after his death in jail or when the State will admit to its own faults and involvement in the terrorist period.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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