Uncommon Ground - A Star Wars Fan Film_peliplat
Uncommon Ground - A Star Wars Fan Film_peliplat

Uncommon Ground - A Star Wars Fan Film

12A (GB) | UK | English |
Directed by: Ash J. Surrey
This title has not premiered yet

The Medic returns. In 2ABY Auren Sunfell, Ren Tharick, Caben Kiles, 'Rukh' Panzoro and Dak Darklighter, a close-knit team of rag-tag Pathfinders, go against the Imperial Forces in a second adventure traversing the galaxy in their U-wing 'Bellerophon', ably piloted by Kesi Javand. Their mission to 'relieve' a consignment of coaxium from an Imperial base leads to the capture of a junior officer Lieutenant Garven Draysen (James Firth-Haydon), who in order to save his own skin turns himself over to the Rebellion. When later the junior officer is assigned by Colonel Lennox to '8-Ball Squad' his lack of leadership in the face of overwhelming fire-power causes the death of their good-luck-charm, which brings resentment among the battle hardened soldiers. Draysen later realizes that he can make amends for his past sins by proving to himself and the others that his bravery shows that redemption is attainable for those who wish to prove themselves worthy of it.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date

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Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Uncommon Ground - A Star Wars Fan Film
(Original title)
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes