Money for Nothing_peliplat
Money for Nothing_peliplat

Money for Nothing (2021)

None | UK | English | 9 min
Directed by: Toby Norman

Freddie De Santa, a man who has found solace in doing very little, every day. After accepting that his only form of income, a generous monthly allowance given by his parents, has ended, he moves on to assisting the elderly for little cash. Content with his days plan, Freddie has the news on whilst enjoying breakfast. A news item discusses a historical piece of artwork with a major lack of detail that has galleries bidding against each other for hundreds of millions of pounds. Freddie shares very little interest in the TV - more on his food. Freddie, tasked with buying an elderly woman's shopping, heads to a local nearby shop. Upon leaving, he is distracted by an array of painting supplies, and suddenly, a creative idea is sparked. Later that day, Freddie explains his idea to his friend (Naomi) and looks for guidance. We then discover his plan is to sell a painting, created by himself that day, and invent a valuable and unfounded meaning behind it to sell for 'millions'. Naomi dismisses Freddie's ambition with laughter. With nothing but a £15 offer for the painting in over a week, Freddie gives up hope, and soon becomes complacent with gardening and cleaning the houses for the elderly. We soon understand his ambition is to merely find himself in the will of the elderly families. We next see Freddie relishing his complacency in his back garden when he receives a phone call regarding an offer for his painting. Freddie shows little effort towards the caller as he assumes they will once again, offer him a pitiful price. Despite his ignorance, Freddie's flippant offer of one million pounds is accepted by a wealthy landowner who sees potential in his work.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
Release Date
Also Known As (A.K.A.)
Money for Nothing
(Original title)
Money for Nothing
Parent Guide
Sex & Nudity
Violence & Gore
Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking
Frightening & Intense Scenes