The plot of this comedic film revolves around attraction, mostly sexual, between humans and fantasy creatures, such the tooth fairy and the yeti and similar beings. A lot of prior sex, sexual attraction, and sexual wishes are discussed, but the only activity shown is a couple of quick scenes of groping of clothed (or furred) persons. The only nudity is a short rear view of butt cheeks of a woman wearing a thong, and men's chests.
A man and a male furry kiss. A woman is slapped on the butt. A hand with an eye in the palm looks up-skirt; we hear comments but don't see anything.
A man's pierced nipples are seen. A man wearing a skin-tight costume has an obvious erection. A dildo is seen.
There's lots of innuendo, in dialog, names of locations, and action. A character rubs the spout of a genie's lamp in a masturbatory manner.