What's Revenge_peliplat
What's Revenge_peliplat

What's Revenge (2016)

None | USA | English | 52 min
Directed by: Kat Hunt

Innovative new docu-fiction, WHAT'S REVENGE, by interdisciplinary artist and director Kat Hunt, adapts elements from 70's pulp revenge cinema to address the problems and pitfalls of relationships in the modern age. The film uses a blend of staged reenactments of real events and fictionalized scenarios inspired by the lived experiences of the cast and crew. A feminist piece of genre-bending film, made by an entirely female production team, Hunt plays the chief provocateur in a story of two friends seeking to explain the reason behind the injustices inflicted upon them by the men in their lives. Hunt's character makes a personal mission of revisiting these indignities upon "the men" in question, on a mission to take their power back in the process. By using non-actors and their stories throughout, Hunt crafts a complex and comedic take on relationships and filmmaking.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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