Devil's in the Details_peliplat
Devil's in the Details_peliplat

Devil's in the Details (2014)

None | USA | 28 min
Directed by: Rashan Mines

Devil's In The Details is the story of Theo Augustine, a young actor in Los Angeles who is desperately seeking to break into the entertainment industry. After ten years of pursuing his dreams, he is finally about to give up and like his father always said, 'Get a real job.' Through friends, he meets Herald Mephisto, a famous Hollywood agent. His career at this point takes off but at what price? As his fame grows, his life starts to fall apart. He soon discovers that the deal he signed with Herald may come at a bigger price than he initially bargained for. What price are you willing to pay for fame?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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