37:40, a man listening to really bad rap, gets axed. He being a 35 year old man, playing with a fidget spinner, honestly had it coming.
45:23 One of the coolest characters in the film, a heavy sheriff gets his neck slashed. His bottle of Jergens Original Scent, the long lasting moisture for Beautifully soft skin, is now covered in blood. If you are watching this on Tubi, quickly hit forward to skip the commercial break before it locks you in.
52:40, Er-one in the police station is "possibly dead". As to quote Eic Carton wearing fall out boy hoodie, "I think they are dead, I mean, I didn't check their pulse or anything". As they lay eyes wide open, and necks slashed in half....
1:07:43 Dick Rip
01:11:21, Walmart True Value Brand Negan gets killed.