Rosso l'extra-terrestre_peliplat
Rosso l'extra-terrestre_peliplat

Rosso l'extra-terrestre (2017)

None | France | French | 18 min
Directed by: Thierry Genovese

In any case, PIERRE ROSSO is one of the greatest stuntmen of all time, he did things crazy, he is unmatched in his genre, his career, his memories because he also knew princes and princesses, he is a prince, a lord, a modest man. But I do not do it, he has the humility of the great of the 7th ART, there is BELMONDO, NIRO, AL PACINO, RENO in the 7th ART but he is the only one in the stunt called "ROSSO "And there will never be stuntmen of this ilk, there was one, the mold is broken, when I am told then PIERRE ROSSO what do you think? There are some who have seen GOD, I have seen the GOD of the stuntmen and besides, it does not exist in the mythological gods, it is the only true GOD of the physical cascade that we had on earth.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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