Lucy Worsley: Mozart's London Odyssey_peliplat
Lucy Worsley: Mozart's London Odyssey_peliplat

Lucy Worsley: Mozart's London Odyssey (2016)

None | UK | English | 59 min
Directed by: Richard Curson Smith, Matthew Hill

Also called "Mozart in London". Lucy Worsley travels to Salzburg and London tracing the life of Wolfgang A. Mozart and especially the year he and his family stayed in London. Wolfgang was born 8pm Jan 27th in 1756. The family were devout Catholics. His father was a music teacher and his mother Anna Maria gave birth to 7 children but 5 had died in infancy. Mozart's sister was an exceptional piano player also. It was on London soil that Wolfgang would compose his first symphony. His father had to learn marketing in London to advertise the concerts, and Wolfgang did play to King George. But things would take a strange turn before they headed home.

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