I'm afraid it's a no: Helaas ben je 't niet geworden_peliplat
I'm afraid it's a no: Helaas ben je 't niet geworden_peliplat

I'm afraid it's a no: Helaas ben je 't niet geworden (2017)

AL (NL) | Netherlands | Dutch | 25 min
Directed by: Nicky Maas, Anne van Campenhout

In order for Sofie (18 years) to find a student room in Amsterdam, she must participate in "Room Application Evenings". Time and again, she must present herself to the inmates of a student house, amidst her competitors, as the best option for the vacant student room. The competition is fierce and the inmates are ruthless. Who's accepted and who's rejected? How far are candidates willing to go? Sofie's self-awareness is pushed to its limits. How does the assessment process affect her?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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