It's the AZN_peliplat
It's the AZN_peliplat

It's the AZN (2018)

None | USA | English |
Directed by: Philip K. Liao

Galen Chen has just started at a new school and has trouble fitting in. His home life consists of only himself and Rose, his stay at home immigrant mother, as his father works and lives abroad. Galen's new school is predominately white and he finds that popularity and acceptance are tied to race. He eventually befriends a Korean-American, Jae, but ultimately discovers that the bar of acceptance keeps getting raised no matter what he does. This film is an exploration of bullying, identity, and race experienced through a Chinese American teenager. Drawing from the director's own experiences, the film aims to show how difficult it can be to navigate adolescence as a 1st-generation American.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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