The Pig Keeper's Daughter_peliplat
The Pig Keeper's Daughter_peliplat
Play trailer

The Pig Keeper's Daughter (1972)

R (CA) | USA | English | 92 min
Directed by: Bethel Buckalew

Patiently waiting for her Prince Charming, in the meantime, uninhibited redhead Moonbeam Swyner, the pig keeper's curvaceous daughter, puts her charm to good use, driving the local boys crazy. However, things will take an unexpected turn when Moonbeam has a chance encounter with a travelling perfume and lingerie salesman. And as the sly Casanova takes a fancy to the unwed country girl, Moonbeam is about to discover sultry, eye-opening experiences and a new world of desire and passion. But more than anything, Moonbeam wants a soulmate. Is the wandering lover boy The One?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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