A few mice are killed. Some children are barbequing the mice and eating them.
Several boys get their genitails cut.
Some children get their teeth chopped out.
There are bizarre footages of people having their flesh cut and eventually pierced. Some of the people have bugs on their wounds.
There is a short scene of a few people dancing, with whipping involved.
Several dogs get their neck broken, barbequed and cut for food.
Several men wrestle.
Skeletons of animals and people are shown in at least one scene.
Several birds have their feet tied in rope.
Dead birds and bats are seen, ready to get eaten. A dead owl is a little bit bloody.
A girl has her genitail cut and sewed. She is seen crying in pain.
A small forest fire.
A goat has it's throat cut open. It's blood is smeared on a man's flesh.
A calf has it's throat cut open. People drink it's blood from a cup.
A rooster has it's head smashed with a stone.
A chicken has it's mouth cut, and has it's blood smeared on a human breast.
Bugs are eaten by people.
Some hospital surgery scenes, which are bloody.
Some fish and sea creatures are speared.
An albino animal gets shot with an arrow, become cut open and gets it's intestines removed. Very gory. The later scene shows a man carrying the head of the same animal.
A man is mummified.