Over-the-top and absurd violence and gore throughout.
A man's skin begins to deform and melt. Large, white bubbles form around his face and arms and pop due to their ridiculous size.
A man removes the crown off of a slimy, rotting skull to reveal it's brain.
A man cuts of the head of an actual live chicken and pours it's blood over a collection of alligator skulls. The cut is not seen, but the chickens head moves on the ground.
A Buddhist monk hammers a spike into a bat's chest. The bat's body later decomposes, leaving only it's skeleton.
Men are punched and kicked in the face during the boxing scenes, causing them to spew blood and leaving their faces bruised and swollen.
A group of men slice open a dead alligator's chest and begin removing it's organs. They then place a corpse inside the hollowed out reptile and stitch it back up.
A man vomits a live morray eel into his bathroom sink. (Real animal, at least when in the sink, but looks real in his mouth too)
A man cuts open his forearm and later stitches it back up.
A few scenes where large needles are inserted into people's eyes.
Several scenes where men eat disgusting edibles and vomit them back up. One scene in particular shows three men eating foods them throwing them back up, only to be eaten again shortly thereafter by someone else.
A slimy, green alien-like head emerges from a bubbling pile of disgusting goop. The head begins to float towards a man. The man uses magic to cause the head to explode.
Several scenes of heads and bodies melting or decomposing.
A woman summons large, fuzzy maggots that begin to crawl into a man's ears and nose.
A man uses magic to cause a woman's skin to melt. Her veins and arteries are exposed as a puddle of blue blood begins to form underneath her.
A group of men carry a body covered in maggots and worms.
A man emerges from a lake covered in leeches.
A live chicken is shown laying on a table with feathers torn off its hindquarters. Camera.cuts to a close-up of man cutting off part of the same chicken - unclear whether it is still alive at this point, it doesn't move around.