A fight breaks out, some punches and kicks are thrown.
A woman is killed with a knife offscreen, the aftermath is shown later in the film.
A man has a knife hacked into his head. No blood but sudden.
A man is stabbed in the chest and blood sprays everywhere.
Two men fight and one is hit in the eye with a hammer.
A mans head is crushed by a lowering plate. (Very gory)
A severed hand is shown in a blood filled lobster tank.
An eyeball is seen in an olive jar.
A man is impaled through the eye on a stake, we see a graphic shot of his eye getting stabbed. This kill is very bloody.
A man has a hook swung into his jaw. Offscreen but the bloody aftermath is shown.
A mans body is shown falling down a chute, it's revealed to be a bunch of severed body parts.
A mans head is sawed in half by a meat slicer. This is the most graphic kill in the film, and most memorable.
A man gets into a fight with his ex-girlfriend. One woman tries to break it up, but gets pushed over. Other men coming to grab him, but a few gets punched and kicked over. One grab him down on the floor and is kicked out.
A man grabs a knife out of a woman's hand by holding the blade. His hand is shown bleeding.
A very gory movie. A few deaths are offscreen, but most are very gruesome onscreen kills such as an eye-impaling, a crushed head, stabbings, and others. By the end of the movie, body parts are basically seen everywhere.