Aujourd'hui peut-être..._peliplat
Aujourd'hui peut-être..._peliplat

Aujourd'hui peut-être... (1991)

A (NO) | France | French | 90 min
Directed by: Jean-Louis Bertuccelli

Italian widow Bertille decides to sell her real estate in Loiret in the French countryside and organizes a family lunch party. She wishes to split the money among her sons and daughters to avoid any future inheritance squabbles. She will move with her dog to the home of her daughter Christiane and she asks her family to pick their favorite childhood souvenirs from the house. Throughout the day there arguments and criticism and there is gossip. Christiane doesn't understand why her mother spent a large amount to advertise the selling of the property in more than 30 newspapers for a long period. At the end of the day, Bertille overhears a whistle and goes to a small cave on top of the real estate. There she meets her beloved youngest son Raphaël, who participated in a heist where a person was killed.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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