The violence in the Maroon Cartoons is supposed to parody those seen in Tex Avery , "Bugs Bunny", "Tom and Jerry" cartoons, and in many ways they exaggerate the intensity of the violent gags in those cartoons. Seen outside of this context, the violence can be disturbing to young or sensitive viewers. Roger is often hurt or injured as he saves Baby Herman from perilous situations.
Baby Herman's mother threatens to cook Roger while attacking him with her sharp fingernails.
A box of darts falls on Roger's head shrinking it like a balloon for comic effect.
Scores of guns are pointed at Roger, then fired all at once. Roger is seen afterward riddled with holes and gasping for air.
Roger falls into the gears of a Ferris wheel which stretch his body through them with a grinding sound effect.
Roger lands in what is presumably bull feces.
An angry bull attacks Roger off-screen.
Roger sails through the air and is stopped by barbed wire which wrap themselves around his teeth like braces for comic effect.
The high-energy roller coaster ride is very intense as Roger is thrown from and is dragged by the car, hit on the head with a sign, and has his head pounded by the tracks all for comic effect. The car is worn away until Roger's bare feet are gliding along the track and the friction causes them to catch fire.